Rules and Regulations

In K.M. College of Pharmacy a set of rules and regulations that students are expected to follow in order to maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Some of these rules and regulations may include:

  1. Attendance: Students are required to attend classes regularly and maintain a minimum percentage of attendance as per the regulations of the university and the Pharmacy Council of India.
  2. Dress code: Students are expected to dress in a professional manner, following the dress code as per the college guidelines.
  3. Discipline: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the rules and regulations of the college and the code of conduct of the university.
  4. Examination: Students are expected to appear for all exams and submit assignments on time. They are also required to maintain a certain minimum percentage to be eligible to appear for the university examinations.
  5. Academic integrity: Students are expected to maintain academic integrity and refrain from any form of cheating or plagiarism.
  6. Campus safety: Students are expected to follow safety procedures and guidelines as per the college rules.
  7. Use of technology: Students are expected to use technology responsibly and follow the guidelines for the use of college-provided technology resources.
  8. Student conduct: Students are expected to respect the rights of others, refrain from any form of harassment, and maintain a safe and secure environment for all members of the college community.
  9. Library rules: Students are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the library, including rules related to the use of library materials and equipment.
  10. Co-curricular activities: Students are encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities and events, but they should make sure that they do not interfere with their academic performance.
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